Dad Undated
 Dad with his brother Harold August 1927
 Dad with his best friend (?) Undated
 Party time at REO Dad is third (that you can see) on the right Undated
  A couple of shots from the early '50's(?)
 Dad with Dale & Joann About 1950
 Dad with Cheryl 1953
 Cumberland, Kentucky 1955
 Dad with Dale Soo Locks, Michigan July 1958
 August 1959
 Dad with John, Ronald & Bruce ~1960
 August 1964
 Dad with Ronnie & Darlene 1960
 Dad & Thelma
Kathy & Sheri Sioux City, Iowa 1964
 Retirement from REO Motors Lansing, Michigan, 1968

 Loretta & Dad December 1968
 Dad & Thelma Navajo Mission Farmington, New Mexico - 19
 Dad & Kathy
 Dad & Thelma Kathy, Sheri & David 1974
 Dad & the Williams' Four Corners, New Mexico
 Darlene, Aarin, Loretta & Dad October 1977
 John, Tommy, Loretta & Dad October 1977
 New Mexico
 Dad & Betty New Mexico

 Dad & Cheryl
 Last picture?
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